The Sacrament of Reconciliation celebrates God’s faithful and limitless love for us. It offers us the experience of a personal encounter with God’s steadfast love: “With unchanging love do I love you.” The covenant is renewed in the liberation from sin, in the renewed gift of the Holy Spirit, and in our renewed participation in the passion, death and resurrection of Christ. This empowers us to continue our life’s journey with our light rekindled and our baptismal robe unstained.
The Sacrament of First Reconciliation is celebrated around the age of 7 usually in the second grade but later if necessary. The child must have completed a minimum 2 full years of preparation in a religious education program OR 2 full years of Catholic School and be able to demonstrate a preparedness and desire to receive the Sacraments as determined by the child, family, and Pastor.
Students seeking the sacrament of First Reconciliation should be enrolled at Blessed Sacrament School or in our Religious Education program. See more details under the "Children's Faith" tab. Contact Nicole Stephan with questions.